Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Machine Learning-enhanced digital Information Operations of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Korea
Pasligh, Hendrik Arne ; Střítecký, Vít (vedoucí práce) ; Kaczmarski, Marcin (oponent) ; Schlotti, Jivanta (oponent)
MachineLearning-enhanceddigitalInformationOperationsofthePeople's Republic ofChinain the Republic ofKorea Hendrik Arne Pasligh Abstract This study addressesthe research question if, how and to what end the People'sRepublic of China (PRC) might deploy digital information operations enhanced by machine learning (ML) technology in and against the Republic of Korea (ROK). To do so, Ulrich Beck's risk society theory is employed as the theoretical framework, which provides valuable insights into the environment in which information operations are conducted today. This environment is susceptible to information operations on a qualitatively fundamentally different new level. Further, this study establishes a terminology of information operations, bringing clarity to several ill-defined terms that prevail within academic literature. A scenario will be built to visualise a potential PRC information operation against the ROK. The majority of the study seeksto identify and analyse the relevant factors for such a scenario, particularly focusing on PRC strategic interestsandROK vulnerabilities against information operations.This studyfinds that: It is very likely that ML-enhanced artificial agents will increasingly be able to pose as human beings in the digital world; it is very likely that historical issues betweenthe...
Reflections of China's history in the mirror of British and American historiography
Meng, XianJie ; Marková, Alena (vedoucí práce) ; Německý, Marek (oponent)
This thesis introduces China's contemporary history especially the period 1949-1976 based on the analysis of selected British and American historiography. Through the criticism and comparison of British and American scholars' discourse, this thesis will obtain a deeper understanding of China's history. This thesis regards Mao Zedong as the main China's historical figure, as well as the construction of new China as the main line of writing. So the position of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party during the period of the construction of new China is an important part to discuss in this thesis. The thesis mainly talks about the period 1949-76 of China from the perspective of political and economic policies and movements, international relations, social issues, military actions and cultural movements. In addition, this thesis also emphasizes on discussing the angles, methodology and terminology of British and American historiography on China's contemporary history.
Concept of the Rule of Law in the People's Republic of China
Sakmárová, Dominika ; Klimeš, Ondřej (vedoucí práce) ; Hudeček, Jiří (oponent)
Úlohou tejto diplomovej práce je spracovanie pojmu vláda zákona (a jeho čínskych variánt, fazhi 法治, fazhi 法制, yifazhiguo 依法治国) v Čínskej ľudovej republike v období od jej vzniku až do súčasnosti, ako bol chápaný v rôznych historických obdobiach v súvislosti so súdobou sociopolitickou situáciou v krajine. Vývoj použitia a chápania pojmu vlády zákona je mapovaný na základe politických míľnikov, ktoré sú v práci reprezentované predovšetkým textami štátnikov z každého obdobia, a to v troch hlavných fázach (prejavy Mao Zedonga, Deng Xiaopinga, a napokon Jiang Zemina a Xi Jinpinga). Ako doplnkové pramene následne slúžia oficiálne dokumenty kritické pre rozvoj zákona, a to hlavne ústava ČĽR. Na ukážkach jednotlivých prejavov, a ich zasadenia do historického a politického kontextu, je ilustrovaný postoj k zákonu a vláde zákona, ako ovplyvňuje súčasnú politickú situáciu, a následne je vyvodené ďalšie predpokladané smerovanie politiky v tomto ohľade. Kľúčové slová: vláda zákona, ústavná vláda, Čínska komunistická strana, Čína

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